Journal Articles


‘Futures of Autonomous Fight: Using a Collaborative Storytelling Game to Assess Anticipatory Assumptions’, with Olivia Belton, Futures 128: 1-13.


‘The Eliza Effect and its Dangers: From Demystification to Gender Critique’, Journal for Cultural Research 24.1.


‘On the Influence of Literature on Science’, Configurations 26:3, Special Joint Issue with Journal of Literature and Science: State of the Unions (Part 2): 311-16.

‘The Horror of the Anthropocene’, C21: Journal of 21st Century Writings, Special Issue: The Literature of the Anthropocene, 6.1.


‘Cinematic Incorporation: Literature in My Life Without Me, Film Philosophy 19 (2015): 55-66.


‘Chaotic Narrative: Complexity, Causality, Time and Autopoiesis in David Mitchell’s GhostwrittenCritique 52:2, 135-62.

‘”It is a Question of Words, Therefore”: Becoming-Animal in Michel Faber’s Under the Skin, Science Fiction Studies 38:1, 134-54.


‘Imagining Apocalypse: Maggie Gee’s The Flood’, Contemporary Literature 48:3, 374-97.

‘Palimpsesting: Reading and Writing Lives in H.D.’s Palimpsest, Critical Survey, Special Issue: Modernist Women Writers Using History, ed. Ann Heilmann and Mark Llewllyn, 19:1, 29-39.


‘Life After Derrida: Anacoluthia and the Agrammaticality of Following’, Research in Phenomenology 36, 97-114.


‘Re-inscribing De Quincey’s Palimpsest: The Significance of the Palimpsest in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Studies’, Textual Practice 19:3, 243-263.